Bloomfield (1877 – 1949)
Leonard Bloomfield was born on April 1, 1887 in
Chicago. Bloomfield attended from Harvard University (B.A.1906), the University
of Wisconsin (1906-08), the University of Chicago (Ph.D 1909), the University
of Leipzig (1913-14), and the University of Göttingen (1914). Bloomfield was an
instructor of German at the University of Cincinnati from 1909 to 1910 and at
the University of Illinois from 1910 to 1913. He was an Assistant Professor for
comparative linguistics and German at the University of Illinois from 1913 until
1921, and an Assistant Professor of German at Ohio State University, Columbus
from 1921 to 1927. He was professor at the University of Chicago from 1927 to
1940 and became Chairman of the Department of Linguistics, which was started in
1933. He became Professor of Germanic Philology and Acting Chairman of the
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures. In 1940 he resigned from the
department and left for YALE School, where he had been offered a Sterling
Professorship in Linguistics.
His specialty for years was Germanic languages,
but later he became interested in languages from a scientific viewpoint. With
Edward Sapir, Bloom can be considered one of the two most prominent American
linguists of the first half of the twentieth century. In 1914 he wrote
Introduction to the Study of Language, which was in later editions just called
Language (1933). The book became the standard introduction to linguistics for
thirty years. Bloomfield helped to start the Linguistic Society of America in
1924, and served as its president in 1935. He was a member of the International
Committee of Linguists. Bloomfield married Alice Sayers in 1909. The couple had
two sons.
Leonard Bloomfield died on April 18, 1949 in New Haven,
Leonard Bloomfield
was a prominent American expert on modern linguistic.Bloomfield is
father of linguistic because make
autonomous linguistics as a science. He is also known as a pioneer of American structuralist linguistics in the
1950s. According to Bloomfield, some language
has a different structure and distinctive. The main characteristic of the
structuralism flow is rejected concept of mentalistic or diachronic study in
view of the phenomenon language and in favor of behaviorism flow or synchronic
The special
characteristics of
Bloomfield's theory is the emphasis on the status of linguistics as a
philosophy of science that alone. According to Bloomfield, language research on
something that can be observed empirically by ignoring the meaning or
significance. This flow is based on his thoughts on the psychology of
behavior easier to observe. The view looking mind behaviorism or mechanism as
an extension of the body stimuli and responses. The meaning of that statement
is the form of language is speech
situation and talks of self-inflicted responses of the listener. The opinion
language used defined by the formula "stimulation and response",
which is described
by the formula
“ R - t. . . r --- T ”
The point:
The point:
A stimulating practical (R) made a person talk instead of reacting in
practice: This is the replacement for another language of (t), for the
listener, it was a replacement language stimuli (r) which caused him to give
practical responses (T). R and T are
"practical events" seemed out of language; t and r is the language event (Samsuri, 1998: 57).
According to Bloomfield, the language consists of another signs such as
vocal elements (sound) named linguistic forms and each form a unity gesture in
the form of phonemes (Bloomfield, 1933: 158). Language is a set of utterances
that appear in the speech community. Than speech reviews to know the parts of
speech that contains pieces of behavior (character) in the linear stacking.
For example:
Eat is a form of
Eating is a form of
-Ing is not a form
of speech.
The word of ‘eat’
consisted of three phonemes, / e/, / a /, and / t /.
From these examples it is concluded about each speech is form, but not all forms of speech. According to Bloomfield, there are two types of forms:
From these examples it is concluded about each speech is form, but not all forms of speech. According to Bloomfield, there are two types of forms:
(1) Free Form is the word that can be
uttered alone without additional stand-alone word.
(2) Bound Form is the word that can
not be uttered alone or never used stand-alone basis.
In addition,
Bloomfield also has four ways to organize the forms of the language are: the
order (sequence), modulation, phonetic modification and selection.
Based on the preceding, we will know about some of the advantages and disadvantages the
theory of structural linguistics Bloomfield among others:
I. Advantages from Structural
a) This stream has
examined new ways of using the language with a synchronous manner.
b) Gramatical criteria is general nature so it can be easily accepted by the general public.
b) Gramatical criteria is general nature so it can be easily accepted by the general public.
c) Based on the
facts, not guessing the data
d) Using a drill
and practice methods that form language skills based on habit.
e) Grouped
grammatical categories, verbal, and pronouns pronouns.
II. Disadvantages
Structural Linguistics:
a) The historical
factor is not taken into account in the analysis.
b) The object of
the study has a limited level of the sentence so it does not touch the
communicative aspect.
c) The field of
morphology and syntax strictly separated.
d) Gramatical based
on common criteria, it is a rule that one can be true if it is common.
The speaking process is the process of excitatory - perceptive which is going
on physical and mechanical in humans, but actually human are not machines.
While the difference between the flow of Bloomfield, structural linguistics
with stream flow transformation is:
Structural Flow
Transformation Flow
Adopted is understood behaviorism
(stimulus and respone)
Based from the familiar
mentalistic philosophy runway mindset.
Language in the form of speech.
Language is innate.
Language in the form of a
system of signifie and signifiant.
Language is inside layers and layers of the surface
Language is a factor of custom
drill and practice methods.
Language consists of competent and performance elements.
Kegramatikalan based
The analysis is based on the
language of sentences.
Levels of grammar enforced neat from lowest to
highest morpheme
Language is creative with many definitions
Pressure distinguishing morphological
Diffferentiate the field of core sentences and sentence
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