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Rangkuman mengenai Language Contact and Language Change


Language Contact


Thomason (2001 : 1 ) argues that language contact is an even when the speakers use more than one language in the same time. The uses of this language does not requires the speakers to speak fluently  as bilingual or multilingual, but the communication between speakers of two different language were already categorized as events of language contact.  The result of such contact differ according to several factors, including the length and intensity of contact between the groups, the types of social, economic and political relationship between them, the function which communication between them must serve and the degree of similarity between the languages they speak.

Example, when two groups of tourists each leading their cookware for two or three hours, they would have attempted to communicate with each other. This communication event though perhaps in a very simple form included in the category of language contact.

The dynamic of language contact would be appear that contact situations generally are subject to two often conflicting forces – the need to achieve communicative efficiency adequate for the purpose of the interaction and the need to preserve a distinct sense of group identity.


            Among the most interesting cases of language contact are those which came about as the result of trade or of colonial expansion. The former has led to varying kinds of linguistic compromise for the purpose of barter or exchange. Such compromises often result of pidgins, highly reduced languages with a minimal vocabulary and grammar, restricted primarily to the function of  trade.


            European colonial expansion during the 15th – 19th centuries led to the creation of hew communities in which colonial language come in contact with the indigenous language of the colonized. These creoles language are a blend of mostly European vocabulary with a grammar representing a compromise between two colonial, west African and European.

Creoles differ primarily in the extent of one or the others of these  influences on their grammar. The varying outcomes depended on the demographic structure of the community, the social settings and codes of social interaction governing contact and relations between the groups and the types of linguistics input involved. Creoles represent a compromise among competing linguistic input, just as creoles culture reflects a compromise among competing socio-cultural tradition.



Language Change


             Language change can not be observed, because the real characteristic of language is change. It takes a relatively long time period, so it may not be observed by someone who has a relatively limited time. The changes can be seen only with a ritten evidence like documents from the past but many other languages that are not familiar with a tradition of writing or documents.

            Language change for a variety of reason. History records many examples of language change fueled by invasions, colonization and migration. Even without these kinds of influences, a language change dramatically if enough users alter the way they speak it. but the unique way that individual speak also fluels language change. The vocabulary and phrases people use depend on where  they live, their age, education level, social status and others factors.

            Vocabulary , sentence structure and pronounsiations are there main aspect of language change. Vocabulary can be change quickly as new words are borrowed from the other languages, or as words get combined or shortened.

Some theories of language change :

 1) anotomi are changes in human organs every turn of the period, 

2) Historical social is a history of inter-group beat each other or superior language, 

3) Ease is considered easy for one different but similar or even equal, 

4) Imitation is imitating  the dialect or other languages, and the last, 

5) Interference utterance change the language in question is  a change that affects the language by internal or external factors.

The change is the phenomenom of language shift  from case to case or the emergence of the phenomenom of language phenomena replace other language in spesific language historical  stage.




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