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Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dasar (Free Printable Vocabulary Flashcard)

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48 pengertian reading dari beberapa ahli (READING DEFINITION BY EXPERT)

1.  Hodgson argued that reading is a process that is performed and used by readers to obtain the messages conveyed through the medium of language author tulis. In this , read other than as a process , well aimed . 2. Thorndike ( 1967:127 ) argues that reading is a process of thinking or reasoning . 3.  Burn , Roe and Ross (1984 )  Reading is a symbol of acceptance by the sensory process , and interpret symbols , or words are seen or perceived , to follow the logic and grammatical patterns of written words that the author , recognizing the relationship between symbols and sounds between words and what you want to display , connect the words back to the direct experience to provide meaningful words and remember what they learned in the past and incorporate new ideas and facts and approve individual interests and attitudes that feel the reading task. 4.  Tarin Anderson ( 1985:7 ) argues that reading is a process of matching letters or symbols pronounce written ...

Rangkuman mengenai Language Contact and Language Change

  Language Contact   Thomason (2001 : 1 ) argues that language contact is an even when the speakers use more than one language in the same time. The uses of this language does not requires the speakers to speak fluently   as bilingual or multilingual, but the communication between speakers of two different language were already categorized as events of language contact.   The result of such contact differ according to several factors, including the length and intensity of contact between the groups, the types of social, economic and political relationship between them, the function which communication between them must serve and the degree of similarity between the languages they speak. Example, when two groups of tourists each leading their cookware for two or three hours, they would have attempted to communicate with each other. This communication event though perhaps in a very simple form included in the category of language contact. The dynamic of languag...