1. Hodgson argued that reading is a process that is performed and used by readers to obtain the messages conveyed through the medium of language author tulis. In this , read other than as a process , well aimed .
2. Thorndike ( 1967:127 ) argues that reading is a process of thinking or reasoning .
3. Burn , Roe and Ross (1984 ) Reading is a symbol of acceptance by the sensory process , and interpret symbols , or words are seen or perceived , to follow the logic and grammatical patterns of written words that the author , recognizing the relationship between symbols and sounds between words and what you want to display , connect the words back to the direct experience to provide meaningful words and remember what they learned in the past and incorporate new ideas and facts and approve individual interests and attitudes that feel the reading task.
4. Tarin Anderson ( 1985:7 ) argues that reading is a process of matching letters or symbols pronounce written language . This is consistent with a low reading level.
5. David Nunan (1989:33) “Reading is not an invariant skill, that there are different types of reading skills that correspond to the many different purposes we have for reading”. So, in the classroom, in students’ reading activities, the writer is sure that they have many purposes, among others are to graduate from their school and to provide themselves with the knowledge to continue their studies whatever their purposes are. In order to achieve the goal, the comprehension ability in reading is needed.
6. Juel ( in Sandajaja , 2005) imply that reading is a process to recognize and integrate the meaning of the word in the sentence structure and reading , so that the end result of the process of reading is a person capable of making the essence of reading
7. W. Somerset Maugham. According him [the habitual reader] of printed matter and he grows nervous, moody and restless; then, like the alcoholic bereft of brandy who will drink shellac or methylated spirit, he will make do with the advertisements of a paper five years old; he will make do with a telephone directory.
8. Timothy Dwight. A person who cannot read is something like a blind man walking through a pleasant meadow, where there are flowers and fruit trees; there are many pleasant things and many wise and good things printed in books, but we cannot get them unless we read/ Sir Richard Steele. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
9. Harmer (2007: 99) reading is useful for language acquisition. Provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more they read, the better they get at it. .
10. John Mason Brown. Reading that is only windful and desultory amounts to a kind of cultural vagrancy. It neither wets nor fortifies the mind. It merely distracts and tires it like traffic noises on an overcrowded street.
12. Harjasujana and Mulyati ( 1997 : 5 ) Argues that reading is a complex capability . Reading is not an activity looking at the symbols written solely . Assortment of necessary capabilities deployed by a reader that he is able to understand the material they read . Readers should be sought to the symbols seen to be symbols meaningful to him .
13. Clifton Fadiman . Reading the same book over and over again is a mechanical exercise like the Tibetan turning of a prayer-wheel.
14. Burhan. According to Burhan (2012: 9), reading is a physic and mental activity to reveal the meaning of the written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing letters. It says a physic activity because the parts of the body, our eyes particularly, do it. And it says mental activity because perception and memory as parts of though are involved in it. He then concludes that the main goal of reading is a process of comprehending written texts.
15. Further, Cline et.al (2006: 2) in their second definition states that reading is the process of deriving meaning from the text. For the majority of readers, this process involves decoding written text. Some individuals require adaptation such as Braille or auditorization to support the decoding process. Understanding is determined by the purposes for reading, the context, the nature of the text, and the reader’s strategies and knowledge.
16. Sabarti Akhadiah et al ( 1991 : 22 ) revealed that reading is a union activities such as recognizing letters and words - words , connecting it with the sound and meaning , and draw conclusions regarding the intent answers .
17. Farida Rahim (2005 : 1 ) , There are three terms that are often used to provide the basic components of the reading process : recording , decoding , and meaning . Recording refers to the words and sentences and then associate it with the sound - sound in accordance with the system of writing used . Decoding is the process of translating a series of graphics into words.Read emphasis on recording and decoding stage is the perceptual process is the introduction of a series of letters to the correspondence language sounds are often referred to as starters while reading the meaning is emphasized in the high- grade elementary school . Reading is a basic life skill. It is a cornerstone for a child's success in school, and, indeed, throughout life. Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfillment and job success inevitably will be lost.
18. Kholid A. H and Lilian S (1997 : 140 ) Reading is expressed or ring circuit symbol - a symbol of written materials that seen from the letters into words and then into phrases , sentences , and so on .
19. Samsu Somadayo ( 2011 : 4 ). Understanding read by him, Revealed that reading is an interactive activity for picking as well as understand the meaning contained in the written materials .
20. Miles A Tingker and Contasc .Reading involves the identification process and the process of remembering a material which is presented as a stimulus to evoke the experience and form a new understanding through relevant concepts that have been owned by the readers .
21. Tampubolon ( 1990 : 5 ) ,Reading is a way to foster the power of reason . With the reading habits of students reasoning power became more built up . We can read without moving the eyes without moving the index finger or to read .
22. Hodgson as quoted by Tarin ( 2008 : 7 ). Reading is a process undertaken and used by readers who want to get the message conveyed by the author through the medium of words or written language .
23. The Tarin Anderson ( 2008 : 7 ) Argues that reading is the process of decoding (decoding). That is, an activity to solve verbal symbols . The process of decoding or cryptanalysis can be interpreted also as a process of connecting written words ( written word ) with oral language ( oral language meaning) which includes the conversion of paper / print into meaningful sound .
24. Nurhadi (2008: 13 ). Reading is a complex and complicated process . The complex meaning in the reading process involved a variety of internal factors and external factors read . Internal factors include intelligence ( IQ ) , interest , attitude , aptitude , motivation , and purpose of reading , while external factors include the means of reading , text reading , environmental factors or socio- economic background factors , habit , and tradition of reading . Elaborate means of external and internal factors are interconnected to form a complex coordination to support reading comprehension .
25. Artanto (2009 ). Reading an information search activities through written symbols then natural existence of it .
26. Soedarso (2006 : 4 ) Reading is a complex activity with a large number of actions that move separately . Complex activity of reading involves understanding and delusion , observing , and remembering.
27. Rachmawati Dawn ( 2007 : 3 ) That reading is a skill to know and understand the writings in the form of sequence of graphic symbols and conversion into meaningful speech in the form of understanding or loud saying.
28. Harris and Sipay ( Zuchdi , 2008: 19 ) Reading can be defined meaningful interpretation of the written language . The essence of reading is to obtain a precise meaning . Word recognition is considered as a necessary prerequisite for reading comprehension , word recognition without comprehension but very little value .
29. Nuriadi ( 2008 : 29 ) Reading is a process that involves physical and mental activity . One of physical activity in reading is when the reader moves the eye along the lines in a text reading posts . Reading involves mental activity that can ensure the acquisition of a maximum of understanding . Reading is not just moving the eyeballs from left to right margin but far from it , the activity of thinking to understand writing for the sake of writing
30. Schmitt and Viala.. They divide the definition read in the special and general sense . Read in a certain sense is an attempt to parse the text written, but in a broader sense , reading is an activity observed as a sign of network characteristics for the purpose unpack its meaning so natural that this activity extends to read a drawing , painting , graphics and so on . Smith that reading is a process of building an understanding of the written.
31. Klein ( Farida Rahim , 2005: 3). Argued that definition reads include:( 1 ) reading is a process , ( 2 ) reading is strategic , and ( 3 ) an interactive read . Reading is a process intended information from texts and knowledge possessed by the reader has a major role in shaping meaning . Reading is a strategic means that effective readers use different reading strategies appropriate to text and context in order to construct meaning when reading. These strategies vary according to the type of text and purpose of reading . Reading is reader interactive engagement with the text is dependent on the context . People who love to read texts that are useful to meet some of the objectives to be achieved . One must read the text easily understandable ( readable ) so that the interaction between reader and text .
32. Tarin (1985 ) that reading is a process undertaken and used by readers to obtain the message , a method used to communicate with yourself and sometimes others, which communicates the meaning contained or implied in the written symbols .
33. Finochiaro and Bonomo (Tarin , 1985) defines reading is picking and also comprehending consist in sense of meaning in written material .
34. Spache & Spache ( Petty & Jensen , 1980 ) suggests that reading is a complex process consisting of two stages . Stage in which the individual first representing is stage to differentiate against what he saw , then individuals out for recall , analyze , decide , and evaluate the reading. As a complex process , read high value in the development of a person.
35. Ginting (2005 ) states that reading is a dual process includes the vision and process responses.
36. Broughton ( Scissors , 2005 )suggested reading is a skill that is understanding( comprehension skills) that can be considered to be in a higher order ( higher order)
37. Furthermore , Bowman and Bowman. Suggests that reading is an appropriate means to promote a lifelong learning (life - longlearning ) .
38. Allen and Valette says that reading is a process that develops (a developmental process)
39. Davises provide an understanding of reading as a process of mental or cognitive process in which a reader should be able to follow and respond to the message of the author.
40. Wassman & Rinsky ( Ginter , 2005) , as the process of vision , reading relies on the ability to see symbols , therefore , the eye play an important role . and as response process described
41. Ahuja ( Ginting , 2005) Reading indicates interpretation of everything that we perception. Reading process also includes identification of phonetic symbols and gather meaning through symbol - the symbol . This is similar to the From this it can be expressed by seen that the act of reading is an activity that is active and interactive.
42. Cole (1963 ) Affirmed by him, that reading has great value for adults for contributing to development , as can be freed from pressure , work with full initiative , get information to resolve conflicts and recognize the character with ease . more. Cole (1963 ) explains that reading may also lead to a sense of safe and realize themselves in personal life such as relationships better with families and groups, changes in attitudes , new ideas and increasingly appreciate trending activity in life .
43. Anderson et al., 1985). Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information.
44. Weber, & Roeber, ( 1987, citing the new definition of reading for Michigan). Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation.
45. Wixson, Peters. Reading is the knowledge, expectations, and strategies a reader uses to uncover textual meaning all play decisive roles way the reader negotiates with the text's meaning.
46. Department of Education ( 1985:11 ) writes that reading is the processing of reading critically , creatively done with the aim of obtaining a thorough understanding of the nature of the text , and an assessment of the condition , value , function , and impact of the readings . This definition is in accordance with the reading at the advanced level , the critical reading and creative reading .
47. According to Cline et.al (2006: 2), states that reading is decoding and understanding written texts. Decoding requires translating the symbols of writing system (including Braille) into the spoken words which they represent. Understanding is determined by the purposes for reading, the context, the nature of the text, and the readers’ strategies and knowledge.
48. According to Olson and Diller (1982:42), what is meant by reading comprehension is a term used to identify those skills needed to understand and apply information contained in a written material. This statement is supported by Harris and Sipay (1980:179), who say that reading comprehension ability is taught to be a set of generalized knowledge acquisition skills that permits people to acquire and exhibit information gained as a consequence of reading printed language. There's even a sense that views reading as a process of giving meaning to visual symbols (Oka, 1983:11 in Jaenal 2010).
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