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Smith ( Ginting , 2005) that reading is a process of building an understanding of the written text
Reading process according to Burn , danRoss Roe (1984 ) is a symbol of acceptance by the sensory process , then mengintererpretasikan symbol , or the word is seen or perceived , to follow the logic and grammatical patterns of written words that the author , recognizing the relationship between symbols and sounds between words words and what you want to display , connect the words back to the direct experience to provide meaningful words and remember what merela learned in the past and incorporate new ideas and facts and approve individual interests and attitudes that feel the reading task .

Described also by Tarin (1985 ) that reading is a process undertaken and used by readers to obtain the message , a method used to communicate with yourself and sometimes others, which communicates the meaning contained or implied in the written symbols .
 Finochiaro and Bonomo (Tarin , 1985) defines secarasingkat , reading is picking sertamemahamai terkandungdi sense of meaning in written material .

While Juel ( Sandjaja , 2005) imply that reading adalahproses to know the meaning of words in a sentence danmemadukan danstruktur readings , so the end result of the process of reading is a person capable of making the essence of reading .( )

Spache & Spache ( Petty & Jensen , 1980 ) suggests that reading is a complex process consisting of two stages . Stage in which the individual first ma mamerupakan stage to differentiate against what he saw , then individuals berusa hauntuk recall , analyze , decide , and evaluate the reading. As a complex process , read yangtinggi value in the development of a person.

In general, people judge that reading is synonymous with learning , in
the means of gaining information . Reading is the process of thinking , it is suggested by Burn , danRoss Roe (1984 ) , that is when a person is reading , then someone is going to recognize the words that require interpresi of graphic symbols - cymbals . To fully understand a passage , one should be able to use the information to make a conclusion and read critically and creatively in order to understand figurative language , the author set goals , evaluate the ideas written by the author and use such ideas in the right situation . This whole process is a process of thinking .

Chambers and Lowry ( Burn , Roe and Ross , 1984) also underlines menegasakan same thing that reading is more than just recognizing the words but also brings great memories , feel and defines some desire , identify a solution to memunuhi desire , choose how Alternatively, experiment with selecting , rejecting or controlling a selected path or way , and think of some ways of evaluation results . The whole thing , including the response of thinking .
Stauffer ( Petty & Jensen , 1980) considers that reading , a mind in relation to the transmission channel or ideas . In addition , reading can be used to build a concept , develop vocabulary , giving knowledge , adding personal enrichment process , develop intellect , help understand and understand the problems of others , developing self-concept and as a pleasure .
Ginting (2005 ) states that reading is a dual process includes the vision and process responses .

Broughton ( Scissors , 2005 ) suggested reading is a skill that is understanding
(comprehension skills) that can be considered to be in a higher order ( higher order )( ) .

Furthermore , Bowman and Bowman ( Sugiarto , 2001) suggests that reading is an appropriate means to promote a lifelong learning (life - longlearning ) .
Allen and Valette ( Sugiarto , 2001) says that reading is a process that develops (a developmentalprocess ) .
Davies ( Sugiarto , 2001) provide an understanding of reading as a process of mental or cognitive process in which a reader should be able to follow and respond to the message of the author .


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