“Reading an E-book On Internet or Reading a Book”
If we are
hearing about the word books, novels, dictionaries, etc. You can image the
direct collection of papers thicker than comics and the sentences are long and
sometimes without images. While e-book or read on the internet is an electronic
version of a books but the most attractive with decorations in internet, more
interesting than a fairy tale book. as
easy as you know is your computer supported with internet connection as
bee as faster. now, there are question, what profit and lose out between book and
e-book. So, There are several advantages of the book :
1. Can be read when, where, how and
who. Books can be read without specialized equipment and knowledge, it has
become a major advantage of the book.
2. Eyes remain healthy. Read the
printed book does not tire the eyes as a printed book does not emit light.
3. The sensation of touch and
olfactory senses. Book materials derived from trees. In psychology you and the
book is fellow beings. Fragrant paper and rough paper raises sensation like no
other. Besides new books and old books smell and have the distinct impression
that raises the experience / sensation when reading it.
4. Trusted. Because of all books
sold in major bookstores have an ISBN (International Serial Book Number), of
course, printed books could be a reference to the academic literature will be
listed in the bibliography.
5. you can write everything in your
book , was often painted etc.. In addition to the book was often painted,
inscribed all you want. However, the most proud of is if the book autographed
moreover can take pictures while holding the book together. Seemed happy to
meet old friends.
While the E-book :
1. Free (or cheap). It is a major,
live search on google with the keyword 'pdf free', 'free ebook', 'pdf', etc..
2. Easy and quick to find the
information. By typing a keyword in the Search Engines, in seconds that the
file appears in the search. It is Easly than you must go to the bookstore.
3. Save place. Hundreds of books
with hundreds of pages thick to fit in a thumb-sized flash drive (even a
little). If the printed book - the book requires a closet and a spacious room.
4. Environmentally Friendly. E-book
file does not require a paper that in fact processed from trees as raw
material. Thereby reducing the risk of global warming plus environmentally
5. Will not run out. If in looking
at the book store could be the book is out (out of stock) or is not sold
anymore (discontinue). But on the internet, E-book is always there even a
thousand people have already downloaded.
There are an excess, there must be a
deficiency. Some lose out of printed books and e-book:
bulky , require raw materials of paper, hard to find, need extra care, etc and dupikasi
difficult. While the lose out of e-book is the knowledge of Hardware &
Software needer than you want to download it, need wide screen Monitor for
comfortable reading, make eyes tired when
a long time just see the word of e-book, and the most importan is rarely
read because they have to turn on the computer first.
Nahh ...
that are advantages and disadvantages of it, I think the advantages of printed
books are the most supportive to be a reason of why should choose printed books
over e-book internet. Example, you can bring some printed book everywhere,
everyplace and where you want. It not make difficult for e-book, cause you must
bring your computer or laptop and certainly your laptop is heavy and take care
of it . So, if you stillthink reading or searching readingthe internet it is the one
way, then you are wrong wroong! According to me, reading a book has more distinction
than reading on the internet. Although the internet provides thousands of
information, but the book feels more strong, as strong as bull, more focused.
From the beginning to the end pages of the book presents the topics discussed
systematically. Of course makes us more concentration in reading than you hope.
It is so different with the Internet serving thousands of information and
sometimes disturbing. In addition to the
presentation of information is unsystematic, so many harassment when you read
on internet, like playing facebook, twitter, of course.
So for me
to read books is better than reading on the internet. The book should not be
purchased because it can be borrowed to a friend or public library. The book
can be read anywhere, relax under the trees or enjoy a cup of hot drink and
read a few of your favorite books. So, if you want to read a comfortable,
choose a print book. In addition to easy to carry everywhere, of course, the
knowledge in the book is more accurate and certainly help, very, very helpful
when you do the work. Believe me ^^
Nb: Take with full credit, please. Dont be a plagiator!!
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