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Innovative English Learning

This report is set up to fulfill the task subjects Innovative ELT

In Chapter 21, which discusses case studies curriculum implementation in Hong Kong explained about innovation in running the target orientation curriculum schools in hong kong. In our opinion, the work done in renewing their learning curriculum in Hong Kong face a few problems associated with the school itself and central government agencies, but there are some other things also found therein. In this chapter explains how to focus on a subject-oriented curriculum Hong Kong (TOC), a major curriculum reform initiatives designed to improve the quality of teaching in the local primary school.
Implementation of the target orientation curriculum (TOC) through multiple case study research design with curriculum implementation process developed through the analysis of qualitative data, which consists of classroom observation and interviews. In order to verify and develop elements of curriculum theory innovation through the application of TOC investigation in a particular context and good quality teachers are oriented to innovation. In the TOC, the student must be actively involved in their own learning and following the rules of the TOC that students learn through the five fundamental ways: communicating through receiving and sharing of meaning, asked through a question or test the hypothesis, conceptualising through organizing knowledge and identify patterns, reasoning through argument logical and to infer or deduce conclusions and solutions, including identifying, justifying and evaluating solutions. Of course it is quite imposing student who has style, speed and ability to learn. In the methodology, there are several English teachers who implement the TOC for 6 months in class 1 and 2 with students age 6-7 years. The main focus in research to encourage, assist or monitor students for individual, pair or group activities. with a target sample questions that make students explain themselves and their families make the students more independent in a language that serves as a medium as well as the focus of instruction.
In the interview data concluded that the most advantageous trust acquisition
to learn the language, especially for elementary school students because of  important acquisitions for them. And it is easier for them to acquire language rather than learning the language. So it is advisable TOC placing greater responsibility on teachers have language proficiency than other forms of exercise textbook focused more limited. However, teachers in Hong Kong was not disagree with that, the more teachers use language mix between the original language and English with the reasons students do not fully understand the English language during the lesson. In addition, the teachers also asked respondents to summarize their understanding of the main principles of TOC further clarified.
Caused confusion about the difference between TOC and administration tasks related terms, such as activities, exercises or worksheets. According to Clark et al. (1994) TOC or curriculum framework there should be flexibility on the time-scale, the development and implementation of the TOC that is consistent with the teachers and school readiness slowly. Not even in a hurry to run in school because teachers have to change the time for each lesson, change the format of teaching, must change the task of assessment, assessment format, the format of report cards in changing the curriculum of schools in Hong Kong. But in our opinion, all the difficulties in learning to adjust to the curriculum should help with facilities, encouragement and support in the form of it being a prerequisite because pretty integral to the successful implementation of the classes that follow the TOC of curriculum innovation in Hong Kong.
The advantages of the TOC that we have found are:
Ø  Grant permission to the school with a lot of facilities in the speed and extent of implementation. TOC-based task gives general directives for learning in Hong Kong schools and facilitate the planning schemes of work or text-books and evaluation of progress towards the goal of TOC.
Ø  Learners or students will have intelpendent control options that you want to tell the students in the English language.
Ø  The main role of the teacher to facilitate learning among students when they are actively involved in the learning process. Resulting in the students were able to learn through their own grammar rules for teaching communication approach.
The Disadvantages of TOC that we have found are:
Ø  The attitude of the early enthusiasm for running innovation can easily be disappointed if there is a lack of support in terms of teachers with negative sentimental of the principal and other teachers.
Ø  Elementary school teacher chose to use a mixture of Cantonese or for reasons of the low level of students' language skills. Whereas in learning a foreign language, must use a foreign language itself so that in learning a foreign language is learned by students.
Ø  There are too hasty attitude of school teachers to run classes TOC causing confusion or chaos in the curriculum adjustments that have not adapted to the TOC system.
Ø  Attitude monotonous teachers who do not want to improve their teaching to see other teachers in teaching techniques that may also be used in teaching them better.


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