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Western and Eastern Culture~

Translation and culture, a constructive interdependence
Eastern Culture

Eastern people known to the world as a nation that is welcoming and friendly. People from other regions is very happy with the personality Eastern nations, why? Because they are happy with the personality Eastern nations that are not individualistic and helping each other. Personality eastern nation at large is a personality trait that has tinggi.Bangsa tolerance east asia continent synonymous with predominantly black-haired, brown-skinned and white-skinned unisex, slanted eyes. Most of the eastern people how to dress more decently and closed probably because the east mostly converted to Islam and upholds the norms in force.
In general, eastern nations personality is very open and tolerant of other nations, but as long as they conform to the norms, ethics and customs that exist. With the characteristics of the Asian continent population of mostly black-haired, brown-skinned and white-skinned unisex, slanted eyes. Most of the eastern people how to dress more decently and closed probably because the east mostly converted to Islam and upholds the norms in force.
According to Jen concept, stating that:
1. Eastern culture that is more concerned with spiritual life, mystical, mutual aid, hospitality etc.
2. Western culture which is more concerned with materialism, logical mind, up to and individualisme.
While personality East Nations, namely:
• Hospitality: show that the east has a nature friendly and polite and easy to socialize with other nations. A caring attitude towards the environment make east sociable nation different from western nations who tend to live more individualistic.
• Hardworking & Diligent: a trait that can not be underestimated. Eastern peoples known as the people who do not give up easily, diligent and taking seriously while doing something especially related to work.
• Religious & Well-cultured: the diversity of race and culture with the main thing being the nation's way of life is the eastern tradition and religion. Because of attachment to the customs and culture of the individuals making the barrier east of the nation to achieve its full potential.
• Respect for Elders: eastern nations known for upholding the norms of decency and civility. The prevailing custom in the east of the nation affects the politeness of the people.
• Attached to Norms: uphold norms. Eastern nations tend to be judgmental regarding matters that are contrary to the norm.
• Strong family Ties: most of those eastern nations rely heavily on their families. The family became a major factor in terms of considering many things like dating and career affairs.
But even though we already know a lot about the personality of Eastern peoples we can not always assume that the cultures of East better than the West. Because all things there must be a positive and negative side. Nothing in this world is entirely good.

Western culture
Western culture is the set of literature, science, politics, and artistic principles and philosophy that distinguishes it from other civilizations. Most of tradition and knowledge of the circuit is generally said to have been collected in the west. This term has also been linked with the countries whose history is strongly influenced by immigration or colonization of the Europeans, such as the countries in the Americas and Australia, and is not limited only by immigrants from Western Europe. Central Europe is also regarded as a contributor to the original elements of Western culture.
Western culture is a culture that is promoted through globalization. A culture that turns out to be contradictory between cultural elements with each other. Due to the elimination of inter-cultural aspects of business. This condition can be seen from the battle that occurred between faith and science, faith with philosophy, beliefs with art, faith with economics, politics with morality, the morality of the economy, and others.
There are three characteristics to culture dominant in the West:
·         The first is the "respect for human dignity". This can be seen in values ​​such as: democracy, social institutions, and economic prosperity.
·         The second is the "freedom". In the West the children to speak openly in front of adults, people dressed according to individual taste, express opinions freely, and does not distinguish between social status and so on.
·         The third is "the creation and utilization of technology" like a jet plane,
satellite, television, telephone, electricity, computers and so on. Westerners emphasize logic and science as well as tend to be active and analytical.
Foreign cultures coming into a country, for example to Indonesia led to multi effects. Indonesian culture is slowly getting extinct. Various ads that lead us to life in the context of modern slang and not traditional giving rise to the many interests of the individual that is individualistic increasingly likely to be the everyday culture. It all actually be haunted cultural practices that are simply fulfilling lives alone.
The positive impact of the influx of foreign culture
• Able to learn the habits, thought patterns and behaviors that bangsa2 forward so as to push us to be better and advanced as they are.
• The ease to show and introduce the culture of our own country abroad.
• The occurrence of acculturation that may be able to create a unique new culture. While the negative impact of the influx of foreign culture
• The influx of foreign culture which is more easily absorbed and imitated by people both young and old dominant mimic the behavior is bad.
• Easily affected by odorous west. The younger generation will forget her identity as a nation of Indonesia because of their behavior mimics many western cultures.
• Grow the nature and attitude of individualism, the absence of a sense of concern for others.
Whereas once famous Indonesian nation with mutual cooperation. Examples of western culture that hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure is the most important thing in life. Or hedonism is understood that adopted by people who are looking for the pleasures of life solely (Echols, 2003).


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