Langsung ke konten utama

Summary " Language Variation "

Language variation caused by activities carried out by the social interaction of diverse  communities and the speakers are not homogenous. In this case there are two opinions, first is the variation was seen as a result of social diversity and diversity of language function. Secondly, the  language variations is fullfil the function  as a means of interaction in diverse community activities.

            According to Allan Bell ( in Coupland and Adam, 1997: 240) a variation  of language is one of the most interesting aspects in sociolinguistics. The basic principle of the variations of this language are the speakers not usually speak in the same way for all events or incidents. It means speakers  have an alternatives or selection   to speak in different ways in different situations. The different speaking can also make a different social meaning. Thus, a wide variety of language is the kind of language usage in funtionality and situation, without  neglecting the basic rules that apply in the relevant langauge.

            There are notion of standard langauge is somewhat imprecize but the typical standard language  will have passed throught the following processes :
a.       Selection as selected as the on to be develoved into a standard language. In some cases the chosen variety has been  one with no native speakers at all.
b.      Codification like some agency  must have written dictionaries and grammar books to ‘fix’ the variety and everyone agrees on what is correct.
c.       Elaboration of functionis is used to selected variety in all the functions associated, this may required  extra linguistic items to be added to the variety, especially technical word.
d.      Aceptance by the relevant population as the variety of th community, usually as the national language. 

In dialect and variation there are three general point : first, accent about pronounciation, the phonemes or individual sound segments in a word. Second, dialects can differ from each other qualitatively in differentiating social dialects. Third, contrary to popular perception, dialect differences are usually regular and systematic on the part of the speaker. 

In regional variation, it is among the oldest traditions, the varieties of a language which are spoken in different geographical areas. There are some aspect in regional variation, method of data collection, dialect maps and isoglosses, causes of regional dialects and classroom implications of the dialects. Whereas social variation, people may tend to grow up exclusively or primarily in one region. In language might be considered from the perspective of differences between speakers in a variety of dimensions, including age, social class and network, race or ethnicity and gender.


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