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Summary " The Social Dynamic Of Speech and Bilingualism "

  Is it a Difference or a Disorder? Free Resources for SLPs Working with  Bilingual and Multicultural Children | Smart Speech Therapy
Language, in the sense of knowledge of linguistics items and their meanings, the balance is in favor of the social, since people learn their language  by listening to others.  At the same time, each individual’s language is unique, since no two people have the same experience of language. Another thing which will become apparent is that the distinction between ‘language’ and ‘social constraints on speech’ is anything but clear, since may of the constraints discussed below  refer to specific linguistic items and could therefore be treated as a part of language, allow with what people know about meanings.

Speech is not an automatic reflex . It is work, since it requires effort and its degree of success depends on the effort that is made. It is skilled on that requires the ‘ know-how’ type of knowledge, which I applied more or less successfully according to how much practice one has had. Speech is social classified in term of types of  speech-act, and these speech-act types are learned as part of our socialization.

Walt Wolfram explains how the field of sociolinguistics has taken on new significance as a means of understanding our world. Given the social role of language, it stands to reason that one strand of language study should concentrate on the role of language in society. Language use symbolically represents fundamental dimensions of social behavior and human interaction. The notion is simple, but the ways in which language reflects behavior can often be complex and subtle.

            Mackey (1956 :155) Bilingualism is the alternate use of two languages. Formulate bilingualism as the habit of using two language or more by someone ( the alternative use of two or more by the same individual). The expansion of this opinion expressed by the level of bilingualism in terms of mastery of the elements of grammatical, lexical, semantic and style which is reflected in the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Another typology has been made in reference with how the language influence one another in the society where they are used. Thus according to such a typology, a division has been suggested between additive and subtractive bilingualism


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